TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

Questa società specializzata promuove il dialogo tra la scienza, la pratica e la società. Appoggia la condivisione scientifica e la collaborazione tra i propri membri, mantiene rapporti con le organizzazioni nazionali e internazionali e promuove le nuove generazioni accademiche.

Immagine: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon

7th Swiss Global Change Day

26 April 2006 in Bern

Luogo della manifestazione


On 20 April 2006 the seventh Swiss Global Change Day took place in Bern. The established yearly meeting, organised by ProClim, provides a platform where the Swiss global change research community can meet. About 200 participants used the opportunity to discuss questions related to global change in a transdisciplinary manner with the invited provocators Heidi Blattmann, NZZ, Zurich, and André Stapfer, Environmental Agency, Canton Aargau. Over 50 posters illustrated the range of the research activities in Switzerland. Seven key note speakers presented new findings, highlights and challenges in the broad field of global environmental change research.

Teaser: 7th Swiss Global Change Day


Lingue: Inglese