Eventi, Notizie, Pubblicazioni
Piene eccezionali nei mesi di novembre e dicembre 2023
Nei mesi di novembre e dicembre 2023, la Svizzera romanda e settentrionale sono state interessate da eventi di piena per ben due volte nel giro di poche settimane. Le nevicate, seguite da piogge intense e dallo scioglimento della neve, hanno causato un forte aumento delle portate e dei livelli idrometrici in molte località. Il fenomeno ha assunto proporzioni mai riscontrate nei mesi invernali o perlomeno solo in rari casi. L’analisi retrospettiva che segue descrive quanto successo nei due mesi e cosa li rende degli eventi eccezionali.
Immagine: Pxhere, CC0Abstract volume Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2023, Mendrisio
New horizons in regional geosciences
Anticipation et travaux d'aménagement ont permis d'éviter le pire lors des dernières intempéries
De nombreux cours d'eau romands ont atteint des seuils critiques mercredi suite à des pluies abondantes. Certains records ont été battus, comme à Genève avec l'Arve. Pour Bettina Schaefli, présidente de la Commission suisse d’hydrologie et professeure en hydrologie à l'Université de Berne, un scénario bien pire aurait pu se produire si les pluies avaient continué.
Immagine: RTSInterview de Marin Kneib sur RTS
A l'occasion de la remise du Prix de Quervain 2023 par les Académies suisses des sciences, la Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) a diffusé le 24 octobre 2023 une interview de Marin Kneib.
Immagine: Marin KneibPrix de Quervain 2023: 37,000 ice cliffs and their influence on glacier melt in the Himalayas
More than ever before – Marin Kneib has employed the latest satellite technology and camera systems to measure over 37,000 ice cliffs. The researcher will be awarded the Prix de Quervain 2023 by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences for an extremely comprehensive doctoral dissertation at the ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL.
Immagine: Marin KneibForumAlpinum 2024 - Call for contributions
We are happy to invite you to submit your abstract of scientific paper presentation for the ForumAlpinum, addressing one or several of the topics listed or any other biodiversity/geodiversity related topic. Abstracts are accepted until 24th of November and should be max. 250 words long including title, a brief description of the theme and content, up to 5 keywords, and the name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation.
Immagine: Lena KropivšekTwo catastrophic years obliterate 10% of Swiss glacier volume
One extreme year follows another. Glaciers in Switzerland lost 6% of their volume in 2022. However, 2023 saw 4% destroyed, representing the second largest decline since measurements began. The Swiss Commission for Cryosphere Observation of the Swiss Academy of Sciences reported that a total of 10% of the ice volume disappeared in only two years.
Immagine: Matthias Huss